If you’ve been wrestling with the question about whether it’s time to move on from a job or relationship, you’re not alone.

When you’ve invested in something over a period of time, it’s natural to want to hold on to it if it’s brought you some happiness or success in the past.

It’s always easier to just stay with what’s familiar vs. the unknown.

But staying in a situation that doesn’t serve you can wind up costing you your vitality, creativity, work quality, and level of happiness.

Yet how can you be sure you’ve reached the tipping point?  When do you know when it’s time to make a change?

Here are 6 signs it’s probably time to move on:

1)   You feel your core values or beliefs are no longer a match

When a situation or person doesn’t fit or goes against your fundamental values or beliefs, it’s pretty hard to realign them.   What you believe in and what you value tends to be relatively stable.   One of the most damaging things you can do to yourself is compromise your values or beliefs just to keep the peace, keep your job, or stay in a relationship.    Ultimately this wears you down and builds resentment.


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2)  The situation is preventing you from growing

If you find yourself feeling restless, under-challenged, or stifled with no chance for improvement, it’s time to rethink the situation.   Growth and learning are natural human needs that contribute to your well-being.   Continuing on with something or someone that limits this normal instinct will create stress and dissatisfaction.   In a job or career, this lack of growth can also limit your future professional options if you’re not keeping your skills and knowledge fresh.


3)  The situation brings out the worst in you

If someone or something continually triggers your anger, frustration, or impatience, or that you withdraw your generosity, kindness, or compassion, then take time to assess what’s happening.   If you keep yourself in negative emotional states over a long time, it reduces your resilience and immune system functioning.   If these feelings aren’t resolvable through discussions with the other party, then it’s probably time to make a move.


4)  Your unhappiness is impacting other areas of your life

A good job or relationship shouldn’t come at the long-term cost of other areas of your life.  Think about how this situation may be impacting your children’s well-being, your financial security, your health, or your spiritual beliefs.  While some short-term sacrifices for the right work role or person can often be worth it, it’s probably not a good idea to sustain it in the long run if it damages these other important areas.



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5)   Taking a vacation or break doesn’t provide much relief

Sometimes a “time out” is enough to give you a chance to get perspective and your energy back.  You can come back refreshed and ready to have discussions or solve the issue.  But if you find the same emotional or physical symptoms returning within a few weeks or months, then it’s time to stop the pattern and make some changes.


6)   Your dream of a different situation has become clear and strong

Sometimes being unhappy with a job or person can light a new fire of desire that gets stronger over time.   Initially it may feel like a nice little escape or fun fantasy, but pay attention if that dream starts to get so detailed in your mind that you start thinking about implementation plans and costs involved.    If your dream really starts to take hold in your mind and heart, it may be painful to deny yourself the chance to pursue it.   Don’t ignore what these thoughts and feelings are telling you.

In the end, only you can know if it feels right to move on.   Just make it a conscious and well-considered decision.

DIVE DEEPER:  If you are considering a job or career change, get clear on all of your skills, abilities, and talents here so you can better explore your options.

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